Comfortable barrier-free housing
Bungalows are very popular nowadays - thanks to their economy and practicality. They are suitable for couples, small families and seniors who prefer barrier-free housing. If you also want a permanent home and want to prepare for comfortable old age, a bungalow is the right choice. The house can also be beautifully combined with a garden.
You can buy bungalows in various sizes - in layouts from 2+kk to 5+1. We can completely adapt a family house project to your needs.
We will help you save - our houses are energy efficient.
We don't burden the environment - we use materials from renewable sources.
Nous construisons des maisons de qualité à prix abordable.
We use precise thermal insulation.
You pay for a finished building - the agreed price is final.
See what the
Are you interested in Bungalows? Write us.
Modern, healthy housing
KESEYA Swiss wooden buildings are made of renewable materials that do not unnecessarily burden nature. The result is a harmonious and healthy living environment.